What runs but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?
A river
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Four people need to cross a bridge at night. They have one torch. The bridge can only hold two people at a time. Person A takes 1 minute to cross, B takes 2 minutes, C takes 5 minutes, and D takes 10 minutes. How can they all cross in 17 minutes?
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Three light switches are outside a closed door. Inside the room are three light bulbs, each controlled by one switch. You can only enter the room once. How can you determine which switch controls which bulb?
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How can you place 8 queens on a chessboard so that no queen can attack another?
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A king wants to send a message to his ally. The message must pass through several kingdoms, and each kingdom will keep a copy. How can he ensure the message is not altered?
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A prisoner is told he will be hanged on a morning when he will not expect it. He reasons he cannot be hanged, but he is. How?